our donors


GOSEVA WORLD Is more transparent to publish the donor details to the public !

Note :  1. you can view your donation details using your receipt number thru search button.

            2.If your donation details not visible here then Please reachout on 9080464670

#Donor NameType of DonationDonated dateValue in rupeesDetails and feed backGoseva world commentsreceipt num  
2R S R A K P SRINIVASA KUMAR to-goseva06#08#20181116Transferred cashThanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1808001
3Vishnu Murthy min-cash29#12#201710000For organization registration charges and feeOk.GW1712001
4Vishnu Murthy min-cash12#10#20179000www.gosevaworld.org domain purchase for three years Ok.GW1710001
5Vishnmurthy min-cash28#04#201815000T shirts purchase 50 units 15000.00
6Kranthi Tummain-cash06#08#20185001Good LuckThanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1808002
13Rama Yanamandalain-cash28#04#20185000Happy to contribute for a great causeYou are the first donor for first live event.Thanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1804002
14Sridhar Damarlato-goseva10#09#201810116GOSEVA world is really doing very good job in protecting Indian Desi cows and bulls which supposed to be done by every Indian. Appreciate their good work and God bless this mission and people who support the mission.Thanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1809001
15yughandar kailato-goseva1#9#20181500Contributed to 1500 rupeesThanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1809002
16vishnu min-cash28#04#20184800momentous+Banner+zeorx, stationary+salwas..etc
17Yughndar kailaif-any29#12#2017500stationary+ stamps purchagedThanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1712002
18Likithto-goseva15#12#20181001Likit is studying 3rd class,contributed his pocket money.he informed happy to participating in goseva noble cause.Thanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1812001
20Yughndarreddy familyto-goseva15#12#20181116i wish Goseva world to sucseed in all corners.everyone has to support the noble cause with their little efforts.now A days beggar donot accept one rupee but good people thinking in deep to contribute one rupee to the organizations from their pocket.this thinking has to change.all the best to goseva world.Thanks much for your contribution and supporting usGW1812002
22Ganesh Devulapallito-goseva16#12#2018516NaThanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1812003
23P. Sirishato-goseva17#12#2018516Donation for a cause Thanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1812004
24Srinivas Kumar SLVto-goseva17#12#2018501Keep up the good work Thanks much for your contribution and supporting us.Spent every penny to the event.GW1812005
25Bovianin-cash24#04#201815000Conducted world veterinary day
Tent chairs bandmelam mike tea snacks et
Thanks much for your contribution and supporting us.also you are supporting us through the help line to help farmers#gosevaks across india.we proud to have your service.thank you so much sai garu.GW1804004
26Durga Rani & Nageswara Rao Dto-goseva19#12#201810116Donation towards Seva to Holy Indian cowsThank you so much for your contribution and supporting us again.donation hand overed to annapurna gosala and purchaged the feed bags.which are very needy now.GW1812007
27vishnu min-cash29#12#20171600organization formation complementary gifts to the associated memembersOk.GW1712003
28Vishnu min-cash22#08#20185700Program :Jd lakshmi narayana garu field visiting and awareness program at kakulapadu.

Gopuja;Food arrangements;acquipements for the statge,workers etc 5100
banners 600
29vishnu min-cash10#11#2018400free bulls project through Annpurna samrkashana samithi
Banner + Stationary 400

Annapurna gosamrkshana samithi arranged food for all farmers and stage arranments done for the event.
Thank you somuch and supporting us.Annapurna gosamrkshna samithi saving unsecured and unmiliking cows andfeeding them,goseva world is proud to work with anna purna go samrkshna samithi and development.we need more support from the all people.GW1811001
30vishnu min-cash10#11#2018500free bulls event, Gifts presanted to the honor guests Ok.GW1811002
31vishnu min-cash00#06#20185000New current account opened for the organization cash amount 5000 rupeesOk.GW1806001
32vishnu min-cash01#08#201810011001 Rupees contribited on behalf of GOSEVA WORLD for kerala flood relief funds which was intiated by anushree-tcs employee.contribution to purchage snacks and biscuits..Ok.GW1808004
33vishnu min-cash04#08#201818100part-1 expense report for natural farming program
Food 14000 rs + suppliers 200rs + tent chairs ets +2000 rs tea 200rs + auto 200 rs helpers 1000 + cleaning 500 rs
total amount for the part -1 report 18100, vishnu paid 12000 still yet to pay 6000rs associated baif employee.
34goseva world fundsin-cash04#28#201846001part 2 expense report for the natural farming awareness program

Integrigents purchaged to preapre kashayam and astras 2000 trainer trasport allwance 2001 complemtary gift and banners 600

we have recived the partial contributions and spent every penny to the event.

Note: If recived funds not meet with expense report amount then amount has spent by chairman on behalf of goseva world.
35Suresh mif-any02#01#2019800receipts book printed for Goseva worldThank you so much for your contribution and supporting us.GW1901001
36Sridhar bommisettyin-cash04#08#20182000contribution for natural farming program.all the best to goseva worldThanks much for your contribution and supporting us.spent every penny to the event.GW1808006
37Gayitri Gokulam(ujwal)to-goseva16#12#2018500Did not contribute any fodder Thanks much for your contribution and supporting us.GW1812006
38vishnu min-cash00#08#20181500Goseva world paid for the membership to sale farmer' s organic rice thru third party website.goseva world supported the farmer as our level best.farmer from kakulapadu village.Ok.GW1808007
39G. Someshto-goseva19#02#20191111I Donated Rs1111 to Goseva World to Cow protectionThank you so much for your contribution and supporting us.GW1902001
40Sivasagarto-goseva20#03#20191001Please use it for welfare of cowsThank you so much for your contribution and supporting us.GW1903001
41Gunda Someshto-goseva21#03#20191116This Donation for Cow Protection and Goseva
Thank you so much for your contribution and supporting us.GW1903002
43Somesh Gundato-goseva07#05#20191111Cow welfareThank you so much for your contribution and supporting us.GW1905002
44YARLAGADDA BHAGYA LAKSHMI in-cash06#05#20195000For the annapurna gosala, to feed the cowaThanks for donationg.funds reflected to annpuuna gosala account.GW1905001
46Vishnu mif-any19#08#20190World PHOTOGRAPHY Contest
august 19th, Gifts to sent to the selected winners also offered appreciation certificates on behalf of GOSEVA WORLD.
Expences bared by founder, approx 1000 rs.to encourage the gosevaks and cow lovers through this program.
47Vishnu m@goseva worldif-any04#05#20191116Jaggery offered to the Gayathri gokulam, Hyderabad on behalf of Goseva world.qorth rupees 1116
fund bared by founder.
48vishnu m @goseva worldif-any02#08#20191116Jaggery offered to the Gayathri gokulam, Hyderabad on behalf of Goseva world.worth rupees 1116.
fund bared by founder from personal account.
49vishnu m @goseva worldif-any27#08#20191116Medical emergency help to the amma samrkshana's member.1116 contributed by founder onbehalf of goseva world.
Few members of goseva world contributed their level best.of they updated those details also visible in the screen.
50vishnu m @goseva worldin-cash00#06#201850000As per the saibucharao garu request and his assistance , founder gave the amount 50000 as loan to support the farmers grass development and to resolve the issues araised due to lack of process.actual commitment to return the amount within month by saibucharao garu.

Treasure- yughndhar garu, kranthi tumma aware about this information

once founder recived the amount date will updated here.responsible Saibucharao garu
51Siva Prasad Vinjamurito-goseva08#11#2019500Use for go sevaThank you so much for your contributionGW1911001
52Smt. & Sri Damarla Durga Rani in-cash26#12#201911000Amount of Rs 11000/- transferred to Annapurna Gosamrakshna Samiti, Paloncha for the feed / dhaana/ grass to holy cowsThank you so much for your contribution.Amount reflected to Annapurna goshalaGW1912001
53VEERABABU SARNALAto-goseva02#03#20201116Save Desi CowesThank you so much for your contributionGW2003001
54GUDA SIDHARTHAto-goseva04/03/20202000Kindly accept my small contribution for your priceless service to the mother Cow.Thank you so much for your contributionGW2003002
55Srinivasa Rao Alato-goseva24/04/20205000As current Covid -19 situations. I saw in news paper street roaming animals are struggling for food . I request you all people help those animal in kind heart . This is request from my side , my wife and my son. Thank you so much for your contributionGW2004001
56By vishnu mif-any16#01#2020109Jaggery contribution Bansuvada Goshala, Srinivasarao, Male calf and female calf birth
Gifted by founder
57By vishnu mif-any16#01#202058Jaggery contribution for male calf birth
By founder ..... farmer 9908243944, best wishes
58By vishnu mif-any04#03#202058Jaggery contribution to padamarao on the occassion of male calf birth XXXXX73921
Best wishes
59By vishnu min-cash19#03#2020116Contribution to orphanage 116 by founder
Thru phonepe to vinitha account
60By vishnu min-cash27#03#2020102Jaggery contribution worth of 102 rs by founder
Bansuwada gpshala, srinivas
Two female calf birth
Best wishes
61By vishnu min-cash02/04/20202516Contributed by founder 2516 rupees thru phonepe to the gosevak ravi 9494260053
Asked to feed the jaggery and vegtables for his own cows.
62By vishnu min-cash04#04#202051Jaggery contribution by founder
Female calf birth, Bhansuvada goshala run by srinivasarao
63By vishnu min-cash08#04#20201116Jaggery contributed by founder worth rs 1116.which is initiated by Basaveswarao rao garu from khammam
20 Plus kg jaggery feed to cows.Best thanks to Basaveswrao rao garu@press 9848525003
64By vishnu min-cash17#04#202058Jaggery gifted by founder worth of 58 rs on the occassion male calf birth
GOSEVAK name Mallikarjunarao garu
Best wishes
65By vishnu min-cash17#04#20201116Contributed 1116 by founder thru net transfer to shankar vidyabharato gosamarkshana charitable trust to feed the cows
66By vishnu min-cash28#04#202011161116 rs Contributed by founder thru net transfer to wanaparthy goshala @ Ramachary 949002950
67By vishnu min-cash07#05#20205151 Rs jaggery gifted to Dhanwantri Internation Goshala for femalf calf birth
Best wishes


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